Monday, September 29, 2008

Airport Guide "pick of the week" at

Airport Guide is honored to be mentioned as a "pick of the week" on the September 29th podcast.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Browse Airports by State

You can now browse airports by U.S. state and territories on Give it a try.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Quick Search on every airport page

Added a 'quick search' to all airport pages in the upper right hand corner.

You can use the % character as a wild card character.
• %abc% will search for anything containing the string 'abc'
• %abc will search for anything ending with 'abc'

Friday, September 12, 2008

Communication Frequency data now online

After 2 days of data massaging, the communication frequency data is on the site.

Check it out and tell me if you like the format.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Worldwide Rail/Train Reservation System added

I just spent the last 14 hours creating one web page that will allow anyone to buy rail passes and tickets for locations around the world.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Flight Planner Partnership Wanted

For our pilot friends out there I would like to integrate a flight planner but don't have the time to create one myself. If there is someone out there that has a great online flight planner and would like to suggest a partnership, please contact us.

FYI, we are always looking for new partnerships. If you have a useful pilot related app or website and are interested in a potential partnership, again, please contact us.

Keep the dirty side down,